Simple News Web App

Updated on 2020-10-06

Simple News Web App header image

This simple web application is a good introductory example to PHP web-programming. The goal is to present how to make a bare-bones version of a news-sharing site, with some rudimentary social network options. It showcases several basic functionalities and user types. It also presents the simplest way to communicate with a DB and to use PHP session.


Only the barest minimum of programming languages, software and secondary tools were used during the development.
  • Bootstrap - used to create the general outline of the site.
  • HTML and CSS - used to adjust the free Bootstrap template.
  • PHP - used to validate logins, create and receive specific requests, communicate with the database, determine user privileges and serve the main site content.
  • MySQL - used as parameters for mysqli_query function to create, read or delete data (CRUD).
  • Wamp64 - used to run the required PHP and MySQL services during development.
  • GitHub Desktop - used for version control during development.
  • PHP Storm by JetBrains - used as the main IDE for coding, managing the database content and image editing.

User types

There are several types of users, each of which can have several overlapping use cases.

  • Guest - can browse the site, filter the posts by category, read the posts and comments below and attempt to log-in or register.
  • User - in addition to Guests' functionalities, logged-in users can also leave comments under the posts and delete their own comments.
  • Admin - in addition to Users' functionalities, logged-in users registered as admins can create new posts and delete any posts or comments on the site.

GitHub repository can he found here. It includes a .sql database export needed for testing.

Live version can be found here, hosted on InfinityFree.